Welcome to The King’s Haven

Welcome to The King’s Haven

Christmas Day, 2018, marked exactly eighteen months since I came home to find that my precious 22-year old grandson Garrett had accidentally shot himself and lay dead in my basement. It was the most horrific day of my life. Nothing can fully explain the horror and agony of that tragic experience.

For months, thoughts of his lying there alone on the floor haunted me. I could not bear to go into the room. For a year I would awaken often to thoughts of his passing. The basement became an emotional tomb. Entering it was depressing—like going to a cemetery on the day of a funeral.

Already in great need of remodeling, the basement area became even dirtier and grimier since no one had the heart or the energy to clean it up. Garrett’s shoes still lay on the hearth where he left them. His clothes were still strewn around. The entire basement was frozen in a state of despair.

Finally, over a year after the tragedy, my eldest son, Jeff, said, “Mom, it’s time to do something about the basement. It’s not healthy emotionally. We as a family need to move on.”

I knew he was right. It was time. I had been praying for months about what the Lord wanted me to do about the space. “How can we turn this place into a welcoming refuge instead of a mausoleum?” I asked. We needed a physical—and more importantly spiritual and emotional—make over.

Everyone finally reluctantly agreed, and the months of remodeling began. Filthy carpets had to be ripped up. Ceilings patched and painted. Worn out furniture was hauled to the dump. Loads of old items that basements accumulate were removed as well.

We searched for ways to draw closer to God and thereby bring peace and acceptance to our family as we worked. We prayed together often; and when the carpets were removed, we all wrote favorite Bible verses all over the floor before installing new floor covering. What a comfort! It was cathartic. Standing on God’s Word became a physical reality!

The place became more homey and inviting. Even the smell improved—no more damp, moldy stench of old carpet.

Yet the memories of death persisted. Even though the place was physically more inviting, the area was still cold to me.

It was Christmas Eve, 2018, now 18 months after Garrett’s death. We had made many physical changes. We had prayed and prayed for peace. Yet there were still disturbing memories that filled my thoughts.

Then the Lord gave me a most wondrous Christmas present! As I sat doing my Bible study, I saw clearly a new vision. Though my grandson was lying on that cold floor, he was not alone as I had always imagined. Instead, the room was filled with angels. Two men were also there—Garrett’s  Papa Gerry, my deceased husband, and his Papa Sam, his grandfather on his mother’s side. The room became not a cemetery but a launching pad for heaven! In my mind, it miraculously became the beautiful refuge I had wanted it to be!

As I sat in awe, I remembered that the place even had a name!  All the way back in 2007 on an early morning walk, the Lord had impressed on me that we needed to use our home as a refuge—a place of warmth and hospitality. He had even given me the name—The King’s Haven—all those years before. I had not understood fully what the Lord wanted me to do so I had done nothing with that name, but now it had become a reality!

My basement—my house—belongs to the Lord. It is to be a haven of peace and rest. No longer do I enter the basement and see where Garrett died as a dreadful place. Even in its disrepair, it was indeed a place of beauty as he was escorted into heaven by angels and his grandfathers! Garrett had literally left my house and moved into his heavenly home in the twinkling of an eye. One day I will see him. What a blessing! My mind and my thoughts had been transformed in a matter of moments. I was reminded of three of my favorite verses:

Romans 12:2

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

 2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

1 Corinthians 2:9

That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.”

As our family gathered this year for our Christmas celebration, I shared with them my hopes for my home and its new name. Through tears of joy, we prayerfully dedicated The King’s Haven to the glory of God as we also remembered Garrett and Papa Gerry.

Welcome to The King’s Haven!

Happy New Year!

What about you? Has the Lord ever changed your thinking and thereby helped you deal with pain and loss? If so, I’d love to hear about it!

Today is Garrett’s birthday. He is celebrating his birthday in heaven as we remember him here. Happy birthday, dear Garrett! We love you!

Thanks to all of you who read the posts each week and share them. You are a blessing to me!



14 thoughts on “Welcome to The King’s Haven

  1. Shirley,
    As I sat and read your post with tears streaming down my face ~ hurt for never realizing what you have been going through and yet joy for what God has been teaching you and your family. I, like you, would have struggled with entering the basement again but God has shown you the love and peace He had given to Garrett that day. Thank you for sharing.
    Love you my sister, Debi

    1. Dear Debi, Thank you for your encouragement. God works in mysterious ways, but He speaks to us if we just listen. It is good to hear from you. Blessings.

    1. Hi, Lisa, Thank you for reading and responding! It is good to hear from you. Hope all is well. Many blessings.

  2. Shirley this so beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Lauren, Nick and I read this post today, God bless you.

    1. Oh, Brenda,

      Thanks for being a faithful reader. Thanks to Lauren and Nick for all their help in the renovation. They know first hand what we’ve been through. Hugs and kisses to all of you.

  3. Such a lovely post! I fully understsnd the grief and dread of entering the room. Proud of you for using every situation to provide a message for us and to glorify God. I love you and your family!!!

    1. Dear Shirley,

      Thanks for reading and responding. You are one well acquainted with grief, my friend. Hope you are recovering. Love you.

  4. Sweet Shirley I’m so glad the Lord gave you that vision and the name He gave is beautiful!! That’s what Jesus does takes the Ashes and makes them beautiful as He continues to do every time I see a Deer! The pain will ease,but the missing him will always be there…One day I’ll tell about the message Brian sent us as a family through a precious friend!! Until then I love you and continued prayers !!

    1. Dear Gina,

      It is wonderful to hear from you. I would love to hear about your message from Brian. I continue to be amazed at how God communicates with us. He is an amazing God! Thanks for the prayers. Love to you and your family.

  5. What a beautiful testimony to the Lord Shirley! God bless you. Yes, as my mother lies on her death bed, my mind also has been transformed and continues to be. The Lord points this out to me when I let him. I know how my behavior and thoughts on death would be at this time, if not for the hand of God. Today, I can peacefully sit on the side of mom’s bed, talk to her and tell her good-bye. Today, I can rest in the peace of knowing she will be with our Lord. She will have no more pain. I rejoice for her…and I rejoice for you and the family. I hope you all can be in a more peaceful place than ever, and please allow me too, to say, Happy Birthday Garrett. I love you Shirley. God bless you. I thank him daily for allowing me a life that you and your family are a part of today. I love you.

    1. Dear Barbara,

      I am glad that the Lord has carried you through the difficult days of losing your Mother. His peace is priceless! It brings me great joy to see what the Lord has done in your life. What an awesome God we serve! Love you too.

  6. This was a wonderful example of how God gives each of us peace, comfort and acknowledgement of His great love and grace. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Dear Carol,

      It is wonderful to hear from you! The love, grace, mercy, and peace of God is indeed indescribable!

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