In Search of Pure Water

In Search of Pure Water

I took a shower last night for the first time in several days. It was such a blessing!

I’m sure that’s a startling revelation, but my well has been on the blink and it has taken Son Joe and his able assistants Jon and Jeff a long time to figure out what was wrong with it. Turned out I had a busted pipe under the ground. It was hard to find and hard to fix in the cold and rain.

In the meantime, I had a valuable lesson in what our great grandparents must have endured in the days before indoor plumbing! Did you know that you can really take a bath with a pitcher of water and a bowl? Did you know that you really can wash dishes with two small pots of water? Did you know that it is a big job to carry water to flush a toilet, bathe, or wash dishes? (Well, at least I have a toilet inside—and not an outhouse—ugh!)

We Americans are spoiled! I hear about the desperate need for pure water in some countries in the world and have a new appreciation of their plight. My pump which was working at 25 percent capacity would pump water into my house, but it was red muddy. The thought of drinking it, washing clothes in it, or even bathing in it was not a pleasant one.

Since I live on High Rock Lake, Joe has suggested that I may be drinking lake water. With all the rain we’ve had lately, that is certainly a most unpleasant thought since the water is full of mud and other pollutants!

Again, how did our ancestors ever survive before they had time to dig clean wells or go to the store and buy some Aquafina or Dasani or install a whole-house water filter? Little wonder diseases such as cholera were common in some locations and would devastate families and communities.

Many people like myself use bottled water all the time for drinking purposes, because they need assurance of a safe water supply or because they just like the taste or convenience of water in a bottle. Sadly, I recently read that there are actually companies in the world selling counterfeit bottled water! Rather than filling the bottles with special mineral water, the bottlers are filling them with water straight from the tap!

As I stood in my shower basking in the flow of clean warm water last night, I could not help but think of the parallel to clean spiritual water. Jesus met a woman at a well in Samaria and asked her for a drink. (John 4:1-42) She reluctantly supplied it. As a result of her encounter with Jesus, she was  given a priceless gift—Living Water! Pure Living Water! It quenched a much more important thirst than her physical need—a spiritual need that transcends this world into eternity.

Jesus even called himself the source of Living Water. “Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.’” (John 7:38 NLT)

When I think of Living Water and its power, I don’t think of the dribble from a faucet or even the pulsing water from a shower. Rather, I see with my mind’s eye the mighty magnificent Niagara River flowing with great, rumbling force over Niagara Falls—a wonder to behold!

Having experienced “Living Water,” I know it to be an overwhelming, mighty, powerful force that transforms lives for all eternity! It floods not just the physical body but the spiritual body!

Ever been so thirsty that you just couldn’t get enough to drink? The thirst for Living Water is just like that.

“As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God.” (Psalm 42:1 NLT)

Are you enjoying “Living Water” or settling for the world’s counterfeit polluted puddles? Just like fake bottled water, the world is full of fake “spiritual water” that the hucksters claim will bring great health and happiness. Sadly, the promises of the world are empty, for Satan and the world offer “dead” not Living Water.

If you’re spiritually thirsty, I have good news! Jesus will satisfy, and the Living Water is free for the asking, “Let anyone who is thirsty come. Let anyone who desires drink freely from the water of life.”(Revelation 22:17 NLT)

“I am the Alpha and the Omega—the Beginning and the End. To all who are thirsty I will give freely from the springs of the water of life.” (Revelation 21:6 NLT)

One of these days, each of us will leave this fallen world and head into eternity. For those who have accepted Jesus, the Living Water, it will be a joyful, glorious day! Our thirst will be fully satisfied!

If you have not accepted Him–the Living Water–as Savior, I pray you will do so this very day! It’s as simple as ABC:

  • A – Acknowledge that I am a sinner 

Romans 3:23

“For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.”


  • B – Believe that Jesus Christ is the source of our salvation
Romans 3:24-25

“”Yet God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his sight. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins. For God presented Jesus as the sacrifice for sin. People are made right with God when they believe that Jesus sacrificed his life, shedding his blood.”


  • C – Confess our sins and commit our lives to Him

Romans 10:9

If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”

A simple, sincere prayer is all that is needed to acknowledge our sinfulness, confess Jesus as Lord and Savior, and commit our lives to him. Those who do so are then given access to the Holy Spirit and the Living Water that fully satisfies!

Thanks to all of you who read and comment each week. I love to hear from you! My prayer is that you are enjoying the blessings that flow from the Living Water!



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