Breakfast with the Trinity

Breakfast with the Trinity

It was my birthday! As I sat down at the table on my sun porch where I spend my quiet time with the Lord each morning, I was joyful–almost giddy.

For the first time in several years, I felt great—no physical pain and no overwhelming sadness nor depression.  “Thank you, Lord, that I can stand up and walk pain free and that I still have my mind most days.” (The sound mind part might be debatable if you ask my family!)

“Thank you for carrying me through the dark days with the loss of Gerald (my husband), Garrett (my grandson), Ron (brother), and Gail (sister-in-law.) over the past three years. Thank you that you have been faithful during those difficult times.”

The longer I sat there, the more aware I became that I was hungry; and out of the blue, my mind wandered to what it would be like to have a real physical breakfast with the Trinity. Would they appear at my table as three distinct beings—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit–or as one? What would I say—if I could say anything? What would we eat? Would we have fish like the morning Jesus ate by the campfire with his disciples?

It was a marvelous conversation as I “talked” with the Lord and imagined such a time of fellowship. My imagination went wild.

I first imagined one chair with Jesus sitting smiling at me. Then I imagined three chairs with God the Father at one end and Jesus on his right with the Holy Spirit at his left. I know the Holy Spirit is just that–Spirit–but in my vision, He had a chair.

I then imagined what I might say. Gratitude to each began pouring from my mouth. I babbled on like Peter on the Mount of Transfiguration when He wanted to set up three tents for Jesus, Elijah, and Moses. I thought about jumping up and beginning to set things in motion like Martha when she was trying to prepare the perfect meal. I imagined myself just falling on my face in fear and awe like John on Patmos (Revelation 1:17) or Isaiah in the throne room (Isaiah 6:5).

My mind rushed back to a special dinner I attended several years ago. As we entered the darkened room, the place was filled with candles and beautiful decorations. Tables were covered with white tablecloths and angels. There was a separate small round table at the front of the room that was beautifully set with an exquisite place setting like you might see for the bride and the groom at a wedding. There was a spotlight emphasizing this place of honor. As we shared a time of prayer and thanksgiving, I kept glancing at the special chair at the head of the table, envisioning the physical presence of Jesus himself.

Then truth jolted me back to reality as my cat jumped in my lap wanting a back rub. As we sat there in the peace of the morning, I reflected on my imaginations and realized I do, indeed, have breakfast with the Lord every morning!  No, I can’t see him, but he is there. He is the “Unseen Guest” at every table. He is there when I choose to quiet myself and listen to his still small voice. He is there when I’m rushing through the meal hastening to get on to one more project or one more event. He is there!

He is there as one God but in three distinct roles.

  1. He is there as God the Father –First Person of the Trinity. Designer of all that is—including you and me. Architect of the universe.
  2. He is there as Jesus Christ—Second person of the Trinity, who carries out the plans of the Father. The one who created what God designed. The One who died on a cross to carry out God the Father’s plans to save us. The One who defeated Satan and will judge the world at the final judgment.
  3. He is there as the Holy Spirit—Third person of the Trinity—the Breath of Heaven—the force we feel within us that woos, guides, directs, and encourages us as we live as His followers—foreigners in a fallen world.

Another thought darted across my mind. Created in His image, we, too, are multi-dimensional. We, too, fulfill many roles. As for me, I have simultaneously been wife, mother, daughter, teacher, ministry leader, student.

Like the Lord, we have been given the capacity to design, facilitate, direct, and encourage, depending on the circumstances around us.

With new revelation and new understanding, I looked to the end of the table and in my mind’s eye saw one chair and one God. I poured out my thanks to him for designing me (Psalm 169), for loving me enough to die on a cross to save me from my sins (John 3:16), and for living all around and within me to direct me each and every day. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

What a wonderful breakfast! Though I ate no physical food, I was filled up spiritually and emotionally. I will never sit down to do my devotions and see things in the same light. My birthday breakfast was life changing!

As a birthday present, I decided to buy myself a little gift–a reminder of my birthday breakfast with the Lord. It now hangs appropriately above my table where I meet often with the Lord–Abba Father, Brother Jesus, and Breath of Heaven.

In case you can’t read it, the poem by Ken Brown says:

Our Unseen Guest

Within this home each day and night, we host a Special Guest, whose presence in so many ways shows how we all are blessed.

Not one but every room is shared and also every meal. Our guest is part of every prayer of thanks or quiet appeal.

This humble home immersed in love will now and ever be a little bit of heaven above. Our Unseen Guest is God, you see.

What about you? Ever thought about having breakfast with the Trinity? One of my favorite verses in the Bible sums up the mystery of the trinity:

“For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6-7 NKJV)

What about you? Ever thought of the Unseen Guest in your home? Ever had a meal with Him? If not, I’d encourage you to do so! It will change your life–now and forever!

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.” (Revelation 3:20 NKJV)



8 thoughts on “Breakfast with the Trinity

  1. Beautiful! Reminds me that Jesus shared many a physical meal with people, developing relationships, and just loving up on all who would partake. Thank you, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for dining with me!

    1. Thank you, Linda. Just like Him, we do enjoy sharing a meal and getting to know others. I’m so glad He brought us together in ministry.

  2. Another thought provoking and inspiring reading! Which I enjoyed with my breakfast this morning! Thank you Shirley.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it, Barbara. Hope breakfast was delicious. To God be the glory!

  3. You have such a gift with words. Thank you for taking the time to write them down for us to read and enjoy.

    1. Oh, Kathy, it is great to hear from you! I assure you that it’s all about HIM! Without him I could write nothing. Thanks for reading.

  4. Thank you Shirley, a wonderful reminder I needed this morning! Blessings, Maria

    1. Oh Maria, my prayers are with you and your family. May His presence and peace surround you all. Blessings

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